Business And Divisional Transformations
Almost all business, large, medium and small are forced to change much more rapidly in today’s hi-tech global village. BRIC economies, the web, mobile technologies and the creation of economic zones such as the Euro zone are all converging to disrupt traditional business models.
The first challenge is to understand the new landscape – the opportunities and the threats. The second challenge is to modify ones strategy accordingly. The third challenge is to restructure/remold the business in line with the new vision.
A business transformation may be focused on one or more of the following:
- Optimising operations (achieving cost efficiencies)
- Designing and implementing a new business model (taking advantage of new market opportunities)
- Improving innovation (generating new revenue streams)
Services Offered
Heridian takes over complete responsibility for the transformation….
or …Heridian guides the transformation process, peer level to the management team.
In the second scenario, Heridian takes a very active and visible facilitator role, in the process however all key communications and control are still vested with the existing management.
Either role is beneficial.
- Heridian is independent and beyond pre-conceived notions of any perceived solutions for moving forward.
- New business opportunities may be identified;
- Key business processes and functions are modified as necessary in order to meet the objectives of the transformation.
- Essential tools and governance is put in place.
- During the process, key internal employees are coached and mentored in key leadership and business management skills.
- As far as possible, internal employees are used to drive the merger, however where necessary external consultants are brought in or the required skills hired in.